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Our Contractor Service Pricing

  • Xactimate Estimate Writing

    "Get accurate and detailed Xactimate estimates delivered within 48 hours. Our estimates are insurance-compliant and designed to ensure quicker approvals and better payouts."
    • Fast Delivery: Estimates completed within 48 hours.
    • Compliant with all insurance company requirements
    • Includes precise assessments of property damage.
    • Clear, easy-to-read reports that insurance companies trust.
  • Insurance Claims Consulting *30 min*

    "Our expert insurance claims consultants will guide you through the often complex claims process, ensuring that your paperwork is in order and compliant with insurance company standards.
    • Tailored advice for your specific insurance claim needs.
    • Ensure all documents meet insurance company standards.
    • Get quick help to minimize delays in the claims process.
    • Assistance with handling claims disputes for better outcomes
    • Detailed guidance from start to finish
  • Damage Assessment Reports (Supplemental)

    "Receive a detailed damage assessment report, ensuring no necessary repairs are overlooked and your insurance claim is fully supported. Our reports provides a revised estimate
    • Revised Supplemental Estimate
    • Photo annotations (insurance compliant)
    • Dwelling & Other Structure measurements per satellite image
    • Clear, concise reports that insurance companies trust
    • Fast claim approvals
  • Insider Secrets For Contractors

    Every month
    "Gain exclusive access to weekly tips and strategies from adjusters that will help you navigate the insurance claims process, maximize your settlements, and secure Overhead and Profit (O&P) on claims.
     3 day free trial
    • Includes "Unlock Insider Secrets: What Adjusters Really Look
    • Discount coupon on estimate services.
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