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Our Contractor Service Pricing
Xactimate Estimate Writing
169.99$"Get accurate and detailed Xactimate estimates delivered within 48 hours. Our estimates are insurance-compliant and designed to ensure quicker approvals and better payouts."- Fast Delivery: Estimates completed within 48 hours.
- Compliant with all insurance company requirements
- Includes precise assessments of property damage.
- Clear, easy-to-read reports that insurance companies trust.
Insurance Claims Consulting *30 min*
69.99$"Our expert insurance claims consultants will guide you through the often complex claims process, ensuring that your paperwork is in order and compliant with insurance company standards.- Tailored advice for your specific insurance claim needs.
- Ensure all documents meet insurance company standards.
- Get quick help to minimize delays in the claims process.
- Assistance with handling claims disputes for better outcomes
- Detailed guidance from start to finish
Damage Assessment Reports (Supplemental)
349.99$"Receive a detailed damage assessment report, ensuring no necessary repairs are overlooked and your insurance claim is fully supported. Our reports provides a revised estimate- Revised Supplemental Estimate
- Photo annotations (insurance compliant)
- Dwelling & Other Structure measurements per satellite image
- Clear, concise reports that insurance companies trust
- Fast claim approvals
Insider Secrets For Contractors
2.99$Every month"Gain exclusive access to weekly tips and strategies from adjusters that will help you navigate the insurance claims process, maximize your settlements, and secure Overhead and Profit (O&P) on claims.3 day free trial- Includes "Unlock Insider Secrets: What Adjusters Really Look
- Discount coupon on estimate services.
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